

From head-bopping to head-banging, WILLO doesn’t just spin records, but she performs with a sense of contagious energy sanctioning music lovers to embrace her stage persona and the tunes at once.

DJ, producer and artist, WILLO was introduced to Sydney’s clubbing scene in 2015 having spent formative years in California via her homeland New Zealand. The change of scene inspired her to master the craft of DJ’ing and to develop her sound. Focusing on the electronic aspects and influences from the underground scene, the self-taught artist quickly developed her own unique style navigating through a range of house genres.Upholding a residency at Sydney’s most iconic nightclub, Chinese Laundry, WILLO’s love for the scene goes beyond mixing sounds together, having supported Patrick Topping, Weiss, Melé, Mija, Nora En Pure and Santé.From head-bopping to head-banging, WILLO doesn’t just spin records, but she performs with a sense of contagious energy sanctioning music lovers to embrace her stage persona and the tunes at once.


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