Hailing from Wellington, New Zealand, Terror Snake and Downie Wolf are The Upbeats, one of the most legendary production/DJ teams to emerge out the fertile New Zealand drum and bass scene. From playing ironic bootleg mash-ups at a tiny rock bar, to owning and operating their own record label, Non Vogue, this substantially more motivated "Wayne and Garth" of the drum and bass world are genuine innovators; in more ways than one.With a decade of experience in the music game they have released three critically lauded albums (with a fourth in the works) and countless singles on some of the most respected drum and bass record labels in the world.Known for their skills at constructing both digital pub rock anthems for the club and genuinely emotional home listening material - their musicality has seen them collaborate with or remix for the likes of Ed Rush and Optical, Noisia, Bad Company, Hive, Gridlock, Bulletproof, TREi, State of Mind, Shapeshifter and MSTRKRFT.Along the way they've performed extensively across New Zealand, Australia, North America, Europe and the UK building a loyal audience worldwide. Favoring an anything goes DJ style, their performances regularly trigger mosh pits, crowdsurfing, topless dancers, on-stage acrobatics and even once, dual zorb surfing at a capacity paint rave.Still as passionate about the creation and performance of music as they were ten years ago, The Upbeats continue to set standards across the board. Creatively speaking, these guys are far from done. Hold tight for the next episode


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