Mushroom Valley


Ben Irving is the DJ behind 3 different music projects smiGGle, DragN Drop and Benny wOng. Ben's DJ career began in the clubs of Brisbane over decade ago and from there has continued his career playing at club gigs and music festivals all over Australia.

SmiGGle is the main DJ persona of Ben Irving. As a promoter, and appreciator of all types of music, the key word for this fun-loving tune spinner is diversity. In the past sixteen years this cheeky character has played numerous sets throughout Australia, as well as founding central Queensland's most prominent parties – Mushroom Valley and Happy Daze Festivals. In the last few years he has support some of the most prominent acts from Australia and around the world - Ed Solo, Grouch, Opiuo, Spoonbill, Staunch,Tetrameth, Terrafractyl, One Tasty Morsel, Earthling, Rinkadink and Defunk to name a few.

SmiGGle will tailor his sets specifically for each gig he plays at and each slot he is given. The term “genre” hold little relevance, as this DJ will seamlessly transition between glitch, breaks, prog, minimal or psy-trance, and anything in between. The bottom line is not the style, but the content, and the bottom line is always good electronic music. As this vast world of sound we live in continues to expand, Smiggle will be at the forefront of all styles, continuously evolving his exciting and enjoyable sets and capturing the very best of the vast realm of electronica the planet has to offer. Ben's mixes are always guaranteed to create precious, precious moments.


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