Sunday Kicks/Playground

…in his younger years, pob was never one to play guitar and bongos around the fire; he’d be found inside with his records. once the dubious minstrels had tired of threadbare riffs and shaky rhythms they’d eventually find themselves indoors, in front of the stereo, cavorting to pob’s music… …pob now has over 25 years of experience, still playing tunes to dancing bodies. ...ever chasing the pulse, pob audaciously blends a fabulous mix of rhythms & styles to create rich, captivating sound environments at festivals, clubs, fields, halls, creative spaces & cracking house parties. , known for keeping a solid upbeat vibe on the dance floor…. & he still loves it…. always for the magic that music brings. ...co-creator of Sunday Kicks & Playground, a regular Byronshire communal knees-up. ... he’s had a show running on Bay FM COMMUNITY RADIO for the last 18 years called, “Sonic Rotation”, now on Fridays 8-10pm. ...pob has an intelligence, wit & a gracious attitude when it comes to djing. his home is amongst the expressive Northern Rivers where he has been consistently entertaining the scene for over 20 years. Whether it be a street party, a disused railway tunnel, deep in the bush, sports clubs, festival stages, primary school discos, regular venues & exclusive celebrations, pob is passionate about the music he plays and the transformation it brings. ... this year he played at Earth Frequency Festival and is already booked for Subsonic in December. ...over his years, he’s supported many renowned Australian & International acts playing Market stage @ RAINBOW SERPENT, TRIPLE J MIX-UP TENT @ SPLENDOUR in the Grass, BIG DAY OUT, EXODUS, the legendary Electric Forest gigs, LightBody Community Dances, WIGGLE & Cyber Tribal events. Supported TSUYOSHI SUZUKI @ NYE 2020 VISION. ...as well as at many a club & a gazillion cracking house parties. ELSEWHERE & NXT LVL in Surfers. ...please ask Tone Wonderland for a decent recommendation. ....thanks...

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