Sutra Sunrise - Sydney


Having spent most of years playing in the UK it is safe to say Jakob has been heavily influenced by having Europe on his doorstep and now is making his mark on the Austrailian scene Bringing Sutra to the table alongside gaining residency at WeLove . Supporting the likes of , oliver huntemann ,carl craig ,heidi , doorly , patrick toping , green velvet ,Alan fitzepatrick , Guti , Kevin Saunderson ,Green velvet , Le Fleur, Timmus ,Fred v & Graffix , David rodigan and many more in the electronic music seen today, his passion for electronic music developed in the South West of England now currently in Australia playing at such partys as ,Dayslikethis,Spaceibizaaus, SomethingElse ,Blue:print , Welove ,Cause ,Zoo Project .Jakobs's unique sound is a vibrant and eclectic mix of tech house, minimal and dark deep techno. It is this combination that brings together all the key ingredients for a banging night on the dance floor.


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